Tuesday, May 16, 2017


I spent most of April and the first couple weeks of May with no ready access to a computer (and battling a pretty gnarly chest infection). I had all these grant plans about writing by hand to keep up with things, but that never happened. Not having a computer really, really knocked the wind out of my sails with regards to writing and even now, after having been more or less back to normal and re-computerized, I'm still struggling to get my fingers back to work.

Fortunately, the ideas are still flowing freely and I've got a ton of stuff lined up. I'm just not hitting the daily word counts that I'd like to be hitting. This has set back the publication of the third Psalms of the Apocalypse book, the first installment of Blackstar, and a few other projects that I've got in the oven. You've probably also noticed that I've been slacking on the SciFiSunday posts. Anyway, long story short, I'm working on getting back up and running at full speed and should be publishing/posting more regularly from now on.

On a slightly related note, I was just reading a post from George R.R. Martin on Goodreads. This guy is so busy. His workload and output make me feel like a total slacker.

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